Cozy Season • LingvoHack

Cozy Season

Этот урок посвящен “уютному” времени года и разработан для изучающих английский на среднем уровне и выше. Урок включает в себя просмотр видео, выполнение лексических заданий и развитие навыков говорения. Этот урок поможет не только улучшить свои языковые навыки, но и погрузиться в тему уюта и заботы о себе, что сделает процесс изучения английского языка более интересным и мотивирующим.

В урок входит обсуждение понятия “cozy season”, обсуждение любимых осенних традиций, лексические задания на тему “Cozy Season”, просмотр видео и изучение концепции “Hygge”, обсуждение важности наслаждаться жизнью и идеального холодного осеннего и зимнего вечера.


What is “cozy season”?
Come up with a list of cozy items or activities you associate with this season.

Possible associations

fireplace crackling – lit candles – to snuggle up – to sip on hot cocoa – indulge in comfort food – to bundle up in a warm knit sweater/scarf – warm atmosphere – festive decorations – toasty warm – rainy day – nice and cozy – fall leaves – cinnamon spice –  pumpkin pie – harvest time – crisp air – woolen blanket – apple cider


Answer the question: What is your favorite autumn tradition?


Complete vocabulary tasks before watching the video.

Vocabulary: Cozy Season 1

Match the nouns with their definitions.

1 / 6


2 / 6


3 / 6


4 / 6


5 / 6


6 / 6


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Vocabulary: Cozy Season 2

Fill in the blanks.

1 / 5

It's important to allow ourselves to __________ in life, whether it's taking a relaxing bubble bath or indulging in a decadent dessert, in order to maintain a healthy balance between work and leisure.

2 / 5

Studies have shown that individuals who lead an unhealthy diet have ____________ than those who do not.

3 / 5

_________ can take many forms – for some people, it might involve achieving professional success, while for others, it could mean spending more time with loved ones or pursuing creative passions.

4 / 5

___________ is often associated with positive emotional memories from childhood, with dishes like macaroni and cheese or chicken soup serving as a source of warmth and comfort during times of stress or sadness.

5 / 5

As the snow fell softly outside her window, she snuggled up on the couch with a good book and hot tea, enjoying a peaceful evening in __________.

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The average score is 0%



1 Why is it important to allow ourselves to savour pleasures in life?
2 How does a perfect evening in the dead of winter look like for you?
3 What can the pursuit of happiness involve for different people? What is happiness for you?
4 What emotional associations are often linked with comfort food? What’s your favorite comfort food?


Discuss: What is Hygge? Do you know anything about it?

Watch the video and answer the questions.

1 Is hygge just a trend or a lifestyle?
2 What are the benefits of practicing hygge?
3 Is hygge something that can be practiced alone or with others?
4 What are some ways that you practice self-care during the winter months?
5 Can practicing hygge help improve your overall well-being?

  1. Hygge is characterized as part of Danish culture and national identity, rather than just a trend or a self-help concept. It is described as being ingrained in the Danish way of life.
  2. The benefits of practicing hygge include creating a nice atmosphere, promoting relaxation, indulgence, and fostering connections with loved ones. It is associated with everyday happiness and a sense of gratitude.
  3. Hygge can be practiced both alone and with others. While the video emphasizes socializing and being together with loved ones, it can also involve personal moments of coziness and comfort.
  4. It implies that indulging in comfort foods, enjoying cozy atmospheres, and taking breaks from healthy eating can be ways to practice self-care during winter.
  5. Practicing hygge can help improve overall well-being. Denmark consistently ranks high in happiness, suggesting that the principles of hygge contribute to a positive quality of life and well-being.

Comment below: To what extent do you personally agree with the video?

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