Why do we have so much stuff? • LingvoHack

Why do we have so much stuff?

Урок посвящен теме потребительства и накопления вещей. Он включает просмотр видео, обсуждение, выполнение лексических заданий, развитие навыков говорения и предназначен для изучающих английский уровнем выше среднего и продвинутого. Этот урок поможет комплексно улучшить навыки английского языка и расширить лексический запас по теме “экология” через обсуждение культурных изменений в отношении материальных ценностей, собственных потребительских привычек, mindful-подходе к жизни.


  • Think about the last item you purchased. Reflect on the following questions:

1. What was the item you bought?
2. What motivated you to make this purchase?
3. Did you feel any immediate satisfaction or excitement after buying it?
4. How often do you find yourself shopping for similar items?

  • Evaluate the statement “We’ve got so much stuff now, we don’t really know what to do with it”, and express your opinion.
  • Do you agree with the statement that people are beginning to get fed up with excessive consumerism? Why or why not?

Watch the video

Video: Too much stuff?

Choose the correct answer.

1 / 5

1. How do marketers influence consumer behavior by targeting our nervous system?

2 / 5

2. According to the video, what shift in cultural attitudes towards material possessions has occurred in modern times?

3 / 5

3. What impact does excessive consumption have on individuals, as mentioned in the text?

4 / 5

4. How do the shopping habits of the grandmother, mother, and daughter generations differ in the text?

5 / 5

5. Why is being mindful of shopping choices important in relation to climate change, as discussed in the text?

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How do you think the shift in cultural attitudes towards material possessions has evolved over time?

Reflect on your own shopping habits and consider whether you have ever felt pressure to keep up with trends or buy more than you need.


Positive or negative?

Decide if these adjectives related to the topic "ecology" are positive or negative.

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Fill in the gaps with correct collocations.

1 / 8

1.1. ____________ of fast fashion is having a negative impact on the environment, as well as our mental health.

2 / 8

1.2. However, there's a growing trend towards more ____________ , where people are becoming more aware of the consequences of their purchasing decisions.

3 / 8

2.1. ____________ and shopping sprees can provide temporary happiness, but the thrill soon fades, and we're left with a pile of clothes we may never wear.

4 / 8

2.2. This is where ____________ falls short - it doesn't address the underlying issues that lead us to seek comfort in material possessions.

5 / 8

3.1. Mindful shopping, on the other hand, encourages us to think about what we really need, and buy items that will add value to our lives. Instead of buying ten cheap t-shirts, we might invest in one ____________ that will last longer.

6 / 8

3.2. We might also choose to support brands that have strong ethical and ____________ .

7 / 8

4.1. By being more mindful about our shopping habits, we can not only reduce waste, but also save money and reduce stress. It's about making ____________  and being aware of the impact of our actions.

8 / 8

4.2. Next time you're tempted to go on a ____________ , ask yourself if it's really going to bring you lasting happiness, or if there's another way to address your needs.

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Answer the questions:

1. Can you recall a time when something made your heart flutter with excitement or anticipation? 
2. How do you practice being more mindful in your daily life, especially when it comes to making purchasing decisions? 
3. What rule have you recently made for yourself to improve a specific aspect of your life or habits? 
4. In what ways do you embrace new technologies in your personal or professional life? 
5. Have you ever reached a point where you felt fed up with a particular situation or behavior? How did you address it? 

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