Let's Grab Some Coffee • LingvoHack

Let’s Grab Some Coffee

На этом уроке вы узнаете много интересного о кофе, улучшите свои навыки английского и расширите словарный запас. Начнем с увлекательного кроссворда, посвященного глаголам, связанным с кофе. Затем прочитаем пять занимательных фактов о кофе и обсудим их. В завершение урока мы поработаем над лексикой, связанной с темой кофе.


What role does coffee play in your daily routine?
How does this beverage affect your mood, productivity, or overall well-being?

Coffee verbs. What can you do with coffee? Solve the crossword.



Which fact about coffee surprised you the most and why. Do you know any other interesting facts about coffee that were not mentioned in the text? Share them with others in comments section.


Chose the correct option to build a collocation from the text.

Coffee - Reading 1

1 / 5

a burst ...

2 / 5

ethical ...

3 / 5

face ...

4 / 5

resemble ...

5 / 5

improve ...

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Fill in the blanks with the correct collocation.

Coffee - Reading 2

1 / 5

Using a webcam to check the coffee pot helped ________ in the research lab.

2 / 5

After drinking a cup of strong coffee, I felt __________ that helped me finish my work quickly.

3 / 5

Coffee beans are actually seeds that come from the fruit of the coffee plant, which ___________.

4 / 5

Throughout history, coffee ___________ in different regions due to its stimulating effects.

5 / 5

There are _________ regarding the treatment of animals used to produce civet coffee.

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The average score is 0%


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