Netflix • LingvoHack


Улучшайте свои навыки английского и узнайте больше о Netflix на нашем уроке. Вы прослушаете подкаст о полезных функциях Netflix для улучшения вашего просмотра, а затем попрактикуетесь в использовании слов с суффиксом “-ever”. Это отличный способ улучшить ваше восприятие на слух и расширить словарный запас.

Answer the questions.

1. Have you ever watched a movie or TV show that didn’t live up to all the hype surrounding it? How did you feel about it? 
2. Can you think of a film or series that really stood out to you in terms of its quality or uniqueness? What made it stand out? 
3. What does it mean for something to be described as “top-notch“? Can you give an example of a top-notch movie or TV show you’ve seen? 

Listen to a podcast about Netflix and solve the task below.

Netflix Podcast

Pick the right answer to the questions according to the podcast.

1 / 7

1. Which of the following best characterizes Netflix's streaming quality?

2 / 7

2. The Netflix recommendation algorithm is described as being akin to what?

3 / 7

3. What advantage of the Netflix watchlist feature is highlighted in the podcast?

4 / 7

4. Which Netflix feature is credited with enhancing the viewing experience by eliminating repetitive content?

5 / 7

5. What benefit of Netflix's multi-device accessibility is discussed in the podcast?

6 / 7

6. According to the podcast, what aspect of Netflix's original content is highlighted as a strength?

(multiple correct options are possible)

7 / 7

7. Which Netflix feature is described as providing parents with a sense of security regarding their children's viewing choices?

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“Plus, the multi-device access makes it super convenient to watch Netflix wherever you are.”

Host Mike from Stream Talk podcast.

The suffix “-ever” is added to words to create compound adjectives or adverbs that emphasize the idea of “any” or “all”. 
Most English wh- words can take the suffix -ever: whichever, whatever, wherever, whenever, however, whoever.

-ever words 1

Fill in the missing ever-words.

whichever, whatever, wherever, whenever, however, or whoever.

1 / 6

________ life takes you, a streaming service is a constant companion, ready to entertain, educate, and inspire.

2 / 6

________ values convenience and choice will appreciate the flexibility and variety offered by a streaming service.

3 / 6

________ genre you're in the mood for, the streaming platform has a wide selection of content.

4 / 6

On the streaming platform you can watch your favorite TV show ________ you want.

5 / 6

________ busy your schedule, a streaming service provides a flexible and convenient way to unwind and enjoy quality entertainment at your own pace.

6 / 6

________ movie you choose to watch on the streaming platform will be entertaining.

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-ever words 2

Complete the quotes. Fill in the missing ever-words.

whichever, whatever, wherever, whenever, however, or whoever.

1 / 6

"________ you go, go with all your heart." - Confucius

2 / 6

"________ you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." - Mark Twain

3 / 6

"________ vast the darkness, we must supply our own light." - Stanley Kubrick

4 / 6

"________ you do, do it well." - Walt Disney

5 / 6

"________ way you throw me, I will stand." - Unknown

6 / 6

"________ is happy will make others happy too." - Anne Frank

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The average score is 0%


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