Party Animal • LingvoHack

Party Animal

Урок Party Animal поможет вам узнать больше о ночной жизни. Вы прослушаете лекцию о плюсах и минусах ночных клубов для города, и попрактикуетесь в чтении на эту тему. Это отличная возможность расширить словарный запас, попрактиковать говорение, чтение и аудирование, и узнать больше о культурных аспектах ночной жизни.

Speaking and Reading

Answer the question: What comes to your mind when you think about nightlife?

Read 4 opinions about nightlife and express yours. Pay attention to new vocabulary in this exercise and try to use it in your speech.


Read the blog post fir the first time. Try to guess what information is missing. Then complete the task below and fill in the blanks with missing expressions.

Nightlife Blogpost - Missing vocabulary

1 / 9

1. Whether you're into ____________ with friends or dancing the night away, these cities have something for everyone.

2 / 9

2. The city is home to a wide variety of bars, clubs, and __________ that cater to all tastes and preferences.

3 / 9

3. From techno clubs like Berghain to cozy cocktail bars like Buck and Breck, there's __________ of places to grab a drink.

4 / 9

4. Many clubs offer ____________ earlier in the evening, so take advantage of those to save some money.

5 / 9

5. Just be prepared for a long wait in line and a ____________ at some of the more popular spots.

6 / 9

6. The city is home to countless bars, clubs, and _________ where you can party until the early hours of the morning.

7 / 9

7. Don't be surprised if you see people dressed up in ____________.

8 / 9

8. Whether you're a __________ or just looking to have a blast on your next vacation

9 / 9

9. These cities are sure to satisfy your ___________.

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Listen to a lecture about nightlife and solve the quiz.

Nightlife Quiz

1 / 6

Nightlife plays a crucial role in shaping the cultural fabric of urban areas.

2 / 6

The nightlife industry has the potential to significantly boost the economy of a city.

3 / 6

Various districts within a city may offer distinct vibes and entertainment choices.

4 / 6

Nightlife has the ability to cultivate a sense of belonging and social bonds.

5 / 6

Noise disturbances are not a major concern when it comes to nightlife.

6 / 6

The adverse impacts of nightlife do not extend beyond the individuals involved.

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Speaking: What are some of the positive aspects, challenges and drawbacks of nightlife in urban areas, as mentioned in the lecture?

Listen to the lecture again and fill in the gaps. You can write up to 3 words.

Nightlife Vocabulary Quiz

1 / 16

1.1 Nightlife is an essential part of _________.

2 / 16

1.2 However, it's argued that cities should _________ between promoting entertainment and ensuring public safety.

3 / 16

2.1 Nightlife can be a _________ for a city, ...

4 / 16

2.2 ... as the ________ brings in revenue and creates job opportunities.

5 / 16

3.1 The Upper East Side and the East Village ____________ different tastes and preferences, ...

6 / 16

3.2 ... allowing residents and visitors to find their ___________ to relax and have a good time.

7 / 16

4.1 Nightlife can ____________ of community and social connection,

8 / 16

4.2 ... as people often go out with friends or colleagues to celebrate ___________ or simply enjoy each other's company.

9 / 16

5.1 However, there are also ___________ to a thriving nightlife scene.

10 / 16

5.2 One of the most significant issues is __________. Loud music, conversations, and car horns can disturb the sleep of nearby residents.

11 / 16

6.1 Another concern is ___________. Late-night establishments often serve ....

12 / 16

6.2 Late-night establishments often serve alcohol, and excessive drinking can lead to __________, fights, or even accidents.

13 / 16

7.1 Moreover, the negative effects of nightlife are _________ to those directly involved.

14 / 16

7.2 For example, drunk driving _________ to all road users, including innocent pedestrians and cyclists.

15 / 16

8.1 This may involve investing in _________, providing reliable transportation options, and ...

16 / 16

8.2 ... providing reliable transportation options, and _________ to mitigate the negative impacts on residents.

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