Урок Party Animal поможет вам узнать больше о ночной жизни. Вы прослушаете лекцию о плюсах и минусах ночных клубов для города, и попрактикуетесь в чтении на эту тему. Это отличная возможность расширить словарный запас, попрактиковать говорение, чтение и аудирование, и узнать больше о культурных аспектах ночной жизни.
Speaking and Reading
Answer the question: What comes to your mind when you think about nightlife?
Read 4 opinions about nightlife and express yours. Pay attention to new vocabulary in this exercise and try to use it in your speech.
Read the blog post fir the first time. Try to guess what information is missing. Then complete the task below and fill in the blanks with missing expressions.
Listen to a lecture about nightlife and solve the quiz.
Speaking: What are some of the positive aspects, challenges and drawbacks of nightlife in urban areas, as mentioned in the lecture?
Listen to the lecture again and fill in the gaps. You can write up to 3 words.