IELTS Speaking: Fashion • LingvoHack
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IELTS Speaking: Fashion

Here are five fashion-related IELTS speaking tasks, including a Part 2 cue card and corresponding Part 3 follow-up questions for each:

1) IELTS Speaking Part 2: Fashion

Describe a fashion trend you like.
You should say:

  • What the trend is
  • When you first noticed it
  • How it has influenced your style
  • And explain why you like this trend

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Follow-up Questions:

Fashion Trends and Personal Style

  • What are some popular fashion trends in your country right now?
  • How do fashion trends influence people’s self-esteem and confidence?
  • Do you think fashion trends change more quickly now than in the past? Why?
  • How important is it for people to follow fashion trends?

Cultural Influence on Fashion

  • How does culture influence fashion choices in different countries?
  • In what ways can fashion reflect social or political movements?
  • How do you think globalization has affected local fashion styles?

2) IELTS Speaking Part 2: Fashion

Describe a piece of clothing that is special to you.
You should say:

  • What the clothing item is
  • When you got it
  • Why it is special to you
  • And explain how often you wear it

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Follow-up Questions:

Personal Attachment to Clothing

  • Why do some people develop strong emotional attachments to certain clothing items?
  • How do clothing styles differ between generations?
  • What role does clothing play in expressing one’s identity?

Fashion and Memory

  • Can clothing evoke memories or feelings? How?
  • How important is it to have a personal style that reflects who you are?
  • Do you think fashion can be a form of self-expression? Why or why not?

3) IELTS Speaking Part 2: Fashion

Describe a fashion show or event you have attended.
You should say:

  • Where it took place
  • What you saw there
  • Who you went with
  • And explain what you thought about the event

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Follow-up Questions:

Fashion Events and Their Impact

  • What role do fashion shows play in the fashion industry?
  • How do fashion events influence consumer behavior?
  • Do you think fashion shows are important for emerging designers? Why?

Cultural Significance of Fashion Events

  • How do fashion events reflect cultural values and trends?
  • In what ways can fashion shows promote diversity and inclusion?
  • How has technology changed the way fashion shows are presented?

4) IELTS Speaking Part 2: Fashion

Describe a famous fashion designer you admire.
You should say:

  • Who the designer is
  • What their style is like
  • What you know about their work
  • And explain why you admire them

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Follow-up Questions:

Influence of Fashion Designers

  • How do fashion designers influence trends and consumer choices?
  • What qualities do you think make a successful fashion designer?
  • How important is innovation in the fashion industry?

Fashion and Society

  • How can fashion designers use their platform to address social issues?
  • In what ways do you think fashion designers can promote sustainability?
  • How does the work of a designer reflect the culture of their country?

5) IELTS Speaking Part 2: Fashion

Describe a shopping experience you enjoyed.
You should say:

  • Where you went shopping
  • Who you were with
  • What you bought
  • And explain why this shopping experience was enjoyable

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Follow-up Questions:

Shopping Habits and Preferences

  • How do shopping habits differ between online and in-store shopping?
  • What factors influence people’s shopping decisions?
  • Do you think shopping is more about necessity or pleasure? Why?

Impact of Shopping on Society

  • How does consumerism affect the fashion industry?
  • In what ways can shopping contribute to environmental issues?
  • How can consumers make more sustainable choices when shopping for fashion?

These tasks and questions should provide a comprehensive framework for discussing various aspects of fashion in the IELTS speaking test.

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