Idiom | Example | Meaning |
Skeleton in the closet | The politician had a skeleton in the closet that was revealed during the campaign, damaging his reputation. | A hidden secret or shameful fact about someone, often related to their past. |
Flesh and blood | I would do anything for my flesh and blood; family is the most important thing to me. | A term used to refer to someone’s family or relatives. |
Bite the bullet | I didn’t want to go to the dentist, but I had to bite the bullet and make an appointment. | To face a difficult or unpleasant situation with courage and determination. |
Put on a brave face | Even though she was nervous about the job interview, she put on a brave face and walked in with confidence. | To appear cheerful or confident in a difficult situation, even if one is feeling upset or scared. |
A ghost of a chance | With the way the team has been playing, they have only a ghost of a chance to win the championship. | A very slim or unlikely possibility of success. |
Throw caution to the wind | She decided to throw caution to the wind and book a spontaneous trip to Europe | To act recklessly or without worrying about the consequences. |
Have a bone to pick | I have a bone to pick with you about the way you handled the project. | To have a disagreement or grievance that one wants to discuss or resolve |
In the spirit of the season | In the spirit of the season, we decided to donate to the local food bank. | Referring to the feelings or attitudes associated with a particular time of year, often related to generosity or celebration. |
Dig one’s own grave | By constantly ignoring his boss’s advice, he is digging his own grave at work. | To create a situation that will lead to one’s own downfall or problems. |
Stab someone in the back | I can’t believe she would stab me in the back after all the support I gave her. | To betray someone, especially when they are trusting you. |
The devil’s in the details | The proposal looks good overall, but remember, the devil’s in the details, so we need to review it carefully. | The idea that small things in plans or projects can cause problems; attention to detail is crucial. |
Make somebody’s blood run cold | The horror movie was so scary that it made my blood run cold. | To cause someone to feel very frightened or horrified. |
Dead on one’s feet | After working a double shift, I was dead on my feet and could barely keep my eyes open. | Extremely tired or exhausted. |
A devil of a job | Fixing the old car was a devil of a job, but I finally managed to get it running. | A very difficult or challenging task. |
No chance in hell | After the way he treated her, there’s no chance in hell she would ever go back to him. | there is absolutely no possibility of something happening or being true |